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Death Part2

The concept of death is a very complex topic that one would not expect to be tackled in a movie for kids. However, the death of Mufasa is a very crucial part to the story. This was also the first time that the death of a character in a Disney film was shown so clearly. Mufasa's dead body is  shown as Simba approaches it. This scene is very memorable and an iconic moment in Disney movie history. However, the scene is very intense and introduces a topic that some children may not be ready for. The question remains was this too much to put in a movie targeted at children? Some parents may just not be ready to explain this kind of concept to their child yet. While Mufasa’s death may be intense it can also be used as a way of explaining death to a child and helping them understand fully. When explaining the concept of death to a young child it is important to keep a few things in mind. While explaining death a parent needs to use simple, clear words, listen and comfort the child, tell them what to expect, give them a role in the explaining process, and respond to emotions with comfort. Doing all of these while explaining the idea of death will help keep them calm and help them understand. The death scene of Mufasa introduces a hard topic to children and this has multiple benefits. This teaches kids about all of the complex emotions that come along with losing a loved one. Emotions like anger, frustration, guilt, and burden are all important emotions that people have to learn to deal with throughout life. Teaching kids at a young age about how to handle these emotions is important because it is normal to feel this and utilizing a children's movie to explain this may be beneficial in the long run.

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